Monday, December 2, 2019

Monday Morning Heart Aches

Mondays are tough for most, and that includes pastors. Especially pastors. We are usually coming off of the busiest and most stressful day of the week. We have given everything we have on the day before and we are drained, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Monday is when the heart hurts the most because Monday is when we are weakest.

I wanted to share a little about why our hearts hurt and give you a glimpse into the Monday of your pastor.

My heart hurts on Mondays.
My heart hurts because there are those that do not believe the Gospel that was preached yesterday.
My heart hurts because there were faces I did not see yesterday.
My heart hurts because I did not get to personally connect with every face that I did see yesterday.
My heart hurts because I don’t have more time to connect with people during the week.
My heart hurts because people don’t take advantage of opportunities and engage in biblical community.
My heart hurts because I have to be more concerned with numbers and dollars as a measure of success rather than people growing in their faith.
My heart hurts because people wade in the shallow end of faith in Jesus and don’t go neck deep.
My heart hurts because I know families in our church are struggling and I can’t fix it.
My heart hurts because there are those that are afraid to share and be real out of fear of what others may think.
My heart hurts because people choose other things to try and fulfill them rather than Jesus and Gospel community.
My heart hurts because there are those that abandon Gospel community because of a personal conflict or misspoken word.
My heart hurts because I see my own inadequacies and sin.
My heart hurts because I cannot be the perfect pastor of the perfect church.
My heart hurts because I worry about what I communicated yesterday and was the Good News of Jesus clear.

But my heart also rejoices on Mondays.
My heart rejoices because I was able to join others that I love in meeting with the God of the universe yesterday.
My heart rejoices because I saw several children brought to Gospel community where they were loved by others with the Good News of Jesus yesterday.
My heart rejoices because people were welcomed and felt safe in Gospel Community yesterday.
My heart rejoices because I saw others love each other with the love of Jesus yesterday.
My heart rejoices because God allowed me an opportunity, along with others to share the Good News of Jesus yesterday.
My heart rejoices because I heard of God’s blessings in others yesterday
My heart rejoices because God knows my failures and yet he loves me still.
My heart rejoices because I can trust His Word and it never returns void..
My heart rejoices because God has given us an opportunity to join in His plan in our community.
My heart rejoices because although I fail often God never does.
My heart rejoices because He is in control and not me.
My heart rejoices because God is working in and through our failures.
My heart rejoices because God makes Himself known and He saves!
